有三种计算图的构建方式:静态计算图,动态计算图,以及Autograph。 TensorFlow 2.0主要使用的是动态计算图和Autograph。 动态计算图易于调试,编码效率较高,但执行效率偏低。 静态计算图执行效率很高,但较难调试。 而Autograph机制可以将动态图转换成静态计算图,兼收执行效率和编码效率之利。 当然Autograph机制能够转换的代码并不是没有任何约束的,有一些编码规范需要遵循,否则可能会转换失败或者不符合预期。 我们将着重介绍Autograph的编码规范和Autograph转换成静态图的原理。
• 1.被@tf.function修饰的函数应尽可能使用TensorFlow中的函数而不是Python中的其他函数。例如使用tf.print而不是print,使用tf.range而不是range,使用tf.constant(True)而不是True.
• 2.避免在@tf.function修饰的函数内部定义tf.Variable.
• 3.被@tf.function修饰的函数不可修改该函数外部的Python列表或字典等数据结构变量。
CIFAR-10是由 Hinton 的学生 Alex Krizhevsky 和 Ilya Sutskever 整理的一个用于识别普适物体的小型数据集。一共包含 10 个类别的 RGB 彩色图片:飞机( a叩lane )、汽车( automobile )、鸟类( bird )、猫( cat )、鹿( deer )、狗( dog )、蛙类( frog )、马( horse )、船( ship )和卡车( truck )。图片的尺寸为 32×32,3个通道 ,数据集中一共有 50000 张训练圄片和 10000 张测试图片。 CIFAR-10数据集有3个版本,这里使用python版本。
1.1 导入需要的库
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import os import math import numpy as np import pickle as p import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline |
1.2 定义批量导入数据的函数
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def load_CIFAR_batch(filename): """ load single batch of cifar """ with open(filename, 'rb')as f: # 一个样本由标签和图像数据组成 # (3072=32x32x3) # ... # data_dict = p.load(f, encoding='bytes') images= data_dict[b'data'] labels = data_dict[b'labels'] # 把原始数据结构调整为: BCWH images = images.reshape(10000, 3, 32, 32) # tensorflow处理图像数据的结构:BWHC # 把通道数据C移动到最后一个维度 images = images.transpose (0,2,3,1) labels = np.array(labels) return images, labels |
1.3 定义加载数据函数
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def load_CIFAR_data(data_dir): """load CIFAR data""" images_train=[] labels_train=[] for i in range(5): f=os.path.join(data_dir,'data_batch_%d' % (i+1)) print('loading ',f) # 调用 load_CIFAR_batch( )获得批量的图像及其对应的标签 image_batch,label_batch=load_CIFAR_batch(f) images_train.append(image_batch) labels_train.append(label_batch) Xtrain=np.concatenate(images_train) Ytrain=np.concatenate(labels_train) del image_batch ,label_batch Xtest,Ytest=load_CIFAR_batch(os.path.join(data_dir,'test_batch')) print('finished loadding CIFAR-10 data') # 返回训练集的图像和标签,测试集的图像和标签 return (Xtrain,Ytrain),(Xtest,Ytest) |
1.4 加载数据
1 2 |
data_dir = r'data\cifar-10-batches-py' (x_train,y_train),(x_test,y_test) = load_CIFAR_data(data_dir) |
loading data\cifar-10-batches-py\data_batch_1
loading data\cifar-10-batches-py\data_batch_2
loading data\cifar-10-batches-py\data_batch_3
loading data\cifar-10-batches-py\data_batch_4
loading data\cifar-10-batches-py\data_batch_5
finished loadding CIFAR-10 data
1.5 可视化加载数据
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label_dict = {0:"airplane", 1:" automobile", 2:"bird", 3:"cat", 4:"deer", 5:"dog", 6:"frog", 7:"horse", 8:"ship", 9:"truck"} def plot_images_labels(images, labels, num): total = len(images) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(15, math.ceil(num / 10) * 7) for i in range(0, num): choose_n = np.random.randint(0, total) ax = plt.subplot(math.ceil(num / 5), 5, 1 + i) ax.imshow(images[choose_n], cmap='binary') title = label_dict[labels[choose_n]] ax.set_title(title, fontsize=10) plt.show() plot_images_labels(x_train, y_train, 10) |
2 .数据预处理并设置超参数
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x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255.0 x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255.0 train_num = len(x_train) num_classes = 10 learning_rate = 0.0002 batch_size = 64 training_steps = 20000 display_step = 1000 conv1_filters = 32 conv2_filters = 64 fc1_units = 256 |
1 2 3 |
AUTOTUNE = tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE train_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x_train, y_train)) train_data = train_data.shuffle(5000).repeat(training_steps).batch(batch_size).prefetch(buffer_size=AUTOTUNE) |
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@tf.function def conv2d(x, W, b, strides=1): x = tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, strides, strides, 1], padding='SAME') x = tf.nn.bias_add(x, b) return tf.nn.relu(x) @tf.function def maxpool2d(x, k=2): return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, k, k, 1], strides=[1, k, k, 1], padding='SAME') |
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class CNNModel(tf.Module): def __init__(self,name = None): super(CNNModel, self).__init__(name=name) self.w1 = tf.Variable(random_normal([3, 3, 3, conv1_filters]))#[k_width, k_height, input_chn, output_chn] self.b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([conv1_filters])) #输入通道:32,输出通道:64,卷积后图像尺寸不变,依然是16x16 self.w2 = tf.Variable(random_normal([3, 3, conv1_filters, conv2_filters])) self.b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([conv2_filters])) #将池第2个池化层的64个8x8的图像转换为一维的向量,长度是 64*8*8=4096 self.w3 = tf.Variable(random_normal([4096, fc1_units])) self.b3 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([fc1_units])) self.wout = tf.Variable(random_normal([fc1_units, num_classes])) self.bout = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_classes])) # 正向传播 @tf.function def __call__(self,x): conv1 = conv2d(x, self.w1, self.b1) pool1 = maxpool2d(conv1, k=2) #将32x32图像缩小为16x16,池化不改变通道数量,因此依然是32个 conv2 = conv2d(pool1, self.w2, self.b2) pool2 = maxpool2d(conv2, k=2) flat = tf.reshape(pool2, [-1, self.w3.get_shape().as_list()[0]]) fc1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(flat, self.w3), self.b3) fc1 = tf.nn.relu(fc1) out = tf.add(tf.matmul(fc1, self.wout), self.bout) return tf.nn.softmax(out) # 损失函数(二元交叉熵) @tf.function def cross_entropy(self,y_pred, y_true): y_pred = tf.clip_by_value(y_pred, 1e-9, 1.) loss_ = tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred) return tf.reduce_mean(loss_) # 评估指标(准确率) @tf.function def accuracy(self,y_pred, y_true): correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_pred, 1), tf.reshape(tf.cast(y_true, tf.int64), [-1])) return tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) model = CNNModel() #通过添加属性的方法进行封装 model.optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate) |
(2)对于每个epoch,打开一个分批遍历数据集的 for 循环
(3)对于每个批次,打开一个 GradientTape() 作用域
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@tf.function def train_step(model, features, labels): # 正向传播求损失 with tf.GradientTape() as tape: predictions = model(features) loss = model.cross_entropy(predictions,labels) # 反向传播求梯度 grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) # 执行梯度下降 model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables)) # 计算评估指标 metric = model.accuracy(predictions,labels) return loss, metric train_loss_list1 = [] train_acc_list1 = [] def train_model(model,train_data,training_steps,display_step): #for epoch in tf.range(1,epochs+1): for step, (batch_x, batch_y) in enumerate(train_data.take(training_steps), 1): starttime=time.time() loss,metric = train_step(model,batch_x,batch_y) if step % display_step == 0: #printbar() train_loss_list1.append(loss) train_acc_list1.append(metric) tf.print("step ={},loss = {:.4f},accuracy ={:.4f} ,times={:.4f}".format(step,loss,metric,(time.time() - starttime))) |
step =1000,loss = 1.3011,accuracy =0.5781 ,times=0.0000
step =2000,loss = 1.2720,accuracy =0.6094 ,times=0.0000
step =3000,loss = 1.2153,accuracy =0.5469 ,times=0.0000
step =4000,loss = 0.8636,accuracy =0.7500 ,times=0.0000
step =5000,loss = 0.7936,accuracy =0.7500 ,times=0.0000
step =6000,loss = 0.9527,accuracy =0.6875 ,times=0.0156
step =7000,loss = 0.9352,accuracy =0.7344 ,times=0.0000
step =8000,loss = 0.6892,accuracy =0.7969 ,times=0.0000
step =9000,loss = 0.7949,accuracy =0.7031 ,times=0.0000
step =10000,loss = 0.4768,accuracy =0.8438 ,times=0.0000
step =11000,loss = 0.7983,accuracy =0.7188 ,times=0.0000
step =12000,loss = 0.5601,accuracy =0.8281 ,times=0.0000
step =13000,loss = 0.7934,accuracy =0.7031 ,times=0.0000
step =14000,loss = 0.6450,accuracy =0.8438 ,times=0.0000
step =15000,loss = 0.5681,accuracy =0.7656 ,times=0.0000
step =16000,loss = 0.5413,accuracy =0.8125 ,times=0.0000
step =17000,loss = 0.3914,accuracy =0.8438 ,times=0.0000
step =18000,loss = 0.3687,accuracy =0.8906 ,times=0.0000
step =19000,loss = 0.4534,accuracy =0.8750 ,times=0.0000
step =20000,loss = 0.3855,accuracy =0.8438 ,times=0.0000
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plt.title('the train and validate') plt.xlabel('Times') plt.ylabel('Loss value') plt.plot(train_loss_list, color=(1, 0, 0), label='Loss train') plt.plot(train_acc_list, color=(0, 0, 1), label='Accuracy train') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.show() |
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test_total_batch = int(len(x_test) / batch_size) test_acc_sum = 0.0 for i in range(test_total_batch): test_image_batch = x_test[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] test_label_batch = y_test[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] pred = conv_net(test_image_batch) test_batch_acc = accuracy(pred,test_label_batch) test_acc_sum += test_batch_acc test_acc = float(test_acc_sum / test_total_batch) print("Test accuracy:{:.6f}".format(test_acc)) |
Test accuracy:0.720653